Operation Citadel lacked
Operation Citadel lacked the geographical scope of previous operations, but it became one of the largest set piece battles of the whole war. It followed a classic German pattern: Two heavily armored pincers would close around the neck of the salient, trapping the Soviet Union armies in the salient and creating conditions for a possible drive into the areas behind Moscow. Manstein, who commanded the southern pincer, wanted to attack in April or May, before the Red Army had time to consolidate its position. Sexy Bikini Swimsuit What is the point in remaining with the Knights? Well, it certainly isn the faction war itself. It increasingly hard to care about that particular mini game.If you approach your choice of faction from the point of view of trying to back the likely winner to maximise your rewards, then there a very clear choice. It been the obvious choice basically since the closed beta and that only become more true over time, far as I see.If the more esoteric parts of choosing ...